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Our Process for Engineering Foundation Designs

The scope of a utility-scale solar project extends beyond pile and foundation design, encompassing various crucial elements. The comprehensive project includes:


Initial Site Assessment and Analysis


Soil Composition and Geotechnical Studies

Evaluating soil structure and conducting geotechnical studies.

Environmental Factors and Site Conditions

Analyzing environmental aspects and site-specific conditions.


Designing Pile Systems


Structural Engineering and Load Analysis

Applying structural engineering principles and conducting load analysis.

Material Selection and

Choosing materials and ensuring durability for pile systems.


Foundation Design and Construction


Types of Foundations for Solar Arrays

Determining suitable foundation types for solar arrays.

Ensuring Stability and Longevity

Promoting stability and long-term durability in construction.


Compliance and Regulatory Considerations


Adherence to Building Codes and Standards

Ensuring compliance with relevant building codes and standards.

Permits and Approvals

Obtaining necessary permits and regulatory approvals for the project.